Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SEWING FOR HAITI brings over 200 people together!

On January 18, 2010, Sue Rock Originals Everyone made history by calling on volunteers to create wrap skirts for the survivors of the recent earthquake in Haiti. Men women and children from all walks of life answered the call and in a mere 8 hours bonded together to create over 250 skirts.

As the people poured in, some with babies in tow, some with sewing machines, the fabric was passed from hand to hand. People sewed sitting at machines, on the floor and standing up. When the studio reached capacity, people found nooks and crannies to fit themselves and continue working.

Sue Rock Originals Everyone will have sewing machines up for the month of February and will quality control the skirts throughout March. With our ears to the ground, we are looking at organizations who have established themselves in Haiti and are familiar with the ins and outs of distributing items to the communities. These organizations will be in place at the Tent Cities now growing and will have need for new clothing for these women and children.

Sue Rock Originals Design Studio
1069 Bergen Street
between Nostrand and Rogers Avenues
Brooklyn, New York 11226

All donations can be made
via Paypal at

For volunteering
Hours of Operation Tuesday through Saturday
11:00 - 6:00pm

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