Sunday, December 06, 2009

In honor of our wonderful Volunteers - HAPPY HOLIDAYS

The ladies from Urban River Arts!

As we come to the end of our first year at the studio - there are SO many people to thank. You see this whole thing is an experiment in "YES WE CAN". Is it possible to share the creative process with women in crisis and have it come together with all people?

And what we have found is YES, it is possible! Enjoy these photos of the men and women who have contributed so very much to make everything at Sue Rock Originals Everyone happen. People from all walks of life who have come at different phases to lend a helping hand and encourage us to keep doing what we are doing :))

Students from High Schools in New York City, volunteering during the summer!

Our co-director& fraternity brother Marcus - this summer his contributions were invaluable!

Bill and Russell made the front window happen, removing so much wood we could have made a tree house in the back on one of our maples!!

One of the most dynamic contacts this year, Professional Organizer Gen Wallace Roe and her daughter, bringing more donations to Sue Rock Originals Everyone!

Here we have Yuliya Khripukova from AHRC and two administrators. These women, working with the developmentally disabled, crocheted and sewed donations for Sue Rock Originals Everyone - AMAZING!! Here they are picking up the materials they will need for their contribution :))

Here are my daughter's crew - these young women (and my son) are some amazing painters and showed their skills working on one of the rooms we needed repainted - Go Girls!!

Diana Lau, Philanthropy Chair, Theta Phi Alpha Pratt University who is currently knitting items for us for the Spring.
Artist Kenya Robinson and fiber artist Katya Usivitsky who will be developing an art show with the needlework contributions of the summer

And the wonderful Allison Sciplin, Ohio native, Chicago transplant living in New York who has stepped in to make amazing things happen for us this year. She has lovingly committed to becoming out grantwriter and developing our strategic plans for the future.

The year began with the passing of my father. In the process of developing this center, the love support and creative interactions are something he would been encouraged and amazed by. We look forward to sewing classes for the winter, crochet and knitting classes for the community and continued connection with domestic violence survivors.

And of course -

We look forward to meeting you!

Come on by our Design Studio

Sue Rock Originals Everyone, Inc.
1069 Bergen Street
between Nostrand and Rogers Avenues
Brooklyn, New York
Tuesday through Saturday
11:00 am - 6:00pm!

Monday, November 16, 2009

"So what do we need?" - EVERYTHING!

Many of our knit and crochet volunteers ask what we need created for domestic violence survivors. Well the answer is simple EVERYTHING! .......However, when volunteers begin to create, the answer becomes a bit more specific when we look at the condition of survivors of domestic violence living in residences.

When a woman enters a residence, whether as a single woman or a mother, she usually enters with the clothes on her back and her identification in a plastic bag. Once she is placed in an apartment, she is brought to a room or basement area where all the clothes that have been collected have been stored. There, she may have to rifle through bins of clothes that have not been sorted, or go through racks of folded clothes that are out of season or ill fitting. This, after she has made the most difficult decision in her life.

Though the apartments are generously outfitted due to corporate donations, they are utility apartments nonetheless, craving a personal touch.

For domestic violence shelters, there are a bounty of donations for children but rarely are there donations geared to the women themselves. Sue Rock Originals Everyone fills that gap!

So lets think - What would you need if you walked out the house never to return? Well yes there is the eponymous "hat and scarf set" however what if it is summer. Just how long is a tank top, jeans and flip flops acceptable attire for work, school and shopping? These are the questions that force women to return home where though there is violence, there is at least normalcy and YOUR STUFF!!!

We encourage our volunteers to choose from the following types of items:

Wardrobe Extenders


Cellphone/Blackberry case


These items are just the beginning. We have had one volunteer who specially designed bags which would be perfect for documents and could hold 8 1/2 x 11 paper without folding. Another volunteer created a magnificent car coat with matching paper boy cap! What we find most of all is that volunteers - challenged by the types of projects we are requesting - are motivated beyond their comfort zone to design and create unique original items they may have never considered

We hope you will contact us and consider volunteering to make something wonderful for a woman in need. She has made that powerful and courageous first step - your creativity can make a difference in her life!

Sue Rock

Monday, November 02, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Sue Rock Originals Everyone
SATURDAY 11/14/09
Goodie Bags for first 75 people
1069 Bergen Street bet Nostrand and Rogers Brooklyn

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So what do you do when there is NO ONE to donate to?


With a trunk full of donations.....

and my last $20........

I head off to (unnamed) domestic violence shelter to bring donations that have been presented to SROE for the past three months.....

For women in crisis.......

An appointment that had been scheduled ahead of time......

Three blocks away, I get the call in the cab....

" you ARE coming.....well....its just that.......welll.......there isn't anyone here..."


So how many women were there?


TWO?!!!! Don't you let people know, I mean, wasn't there any announcement?

"well, yes we DO send out flyers and its just that women have appointments and some of the women were sick and they go out and well.....We can't KEEP them here......its just the way it is......that's part of the problem, we try to have programs here for the women and then we only have one person come..... But we can schedule for next week....."

Ah yes NEXT week - however, NEXT week isn't Domestic Violence Awareness Month is it? no.... now that I think about it NEXT week its NOVEMBER hmmmmm......... and we have all these donations......

Lets go over the list......

DV shelter 1 doesn't take donations (other than monetary), DV shelter 2 doesn't allow you to even come to the residences but takes donations at the door of their office (?!! hugely satisfying - NOT!) and now this.......

The disappointment is beyond description.......

Thank you all for your continued support - just wish it was appreciated by the organizations we are trying to service.......

Monday, October 26, 2009

Domestic Violence Non Profit features Needlepoint Show in New York

On Saturday, October 24, we held our first Needlepoint Show, featuring the unfinished works of donor Bernard Kleban. Bernard Kleban was an active dynamic man who pursued needlepoint during his retirement. He and his wife June owned a needlepoint store in Arizona during the 1980's and his love of this needleart was allowed to flourish.

We received these canvases from June through personal organizer Gen Wallace Roe, who met us through Materials for the Arts. The relationship was established earlier this year and has grown into something wonderful.

When Gen brought up the unfinished canvases in September, they were so profound and detailed in their creativity, they begged for exposure to a greater audience. A simple comment "This needs to become an Art Show" became reality when we met Allison Sciplin, writer for the blog Grace, Love and Politics and volunteer grantwriter for our organization. Allison responded to our posting on the Idealist website and when enthusiastically showing her the canvases, she generously donate the yoga studio she works at - Three Jewels Yoga Studio.
Three Jewels Yoga Studio is a beautiful space. Three Jewels functions as a meditation, Heart Yoga, Dharma and Outreach Center for the community. They not only hold Yoga classes but features free meditation, various events from other progressive organizations, guided meditations by Llamas throughout the NY area. With volunteers and friends, we put up the canvases and prepared for a beautiful art show.

We welcomed Deirdre Biallo-Padin and her husband who attended the show. Deirdre Biallo-Padin is the Chief of Domestic Violence for the Brooklyn District Attorney's Office. We have developed a wonderful relationship with her and it has been 3 years of receiving donations from the Family Justice Center.

The surprise for the evening was meeting the grandson of Bernard Kleban. Harry is currently attending New York University and stopped by to see the beautiful exhibit. "I didn't know there was so much work!"

Friday, October 23, 2009


Well, I know you will be coming to our first full out fundraiser for Sue Rock Originals Everyone. Our host is Three Jewels Yoga Studio a beautiful space conveniently located in the middle of Greenwich Village at 61 Fourth Avenue at Ninth Street (that's the #6 and R trains). There will be beautiful needlepoint, free wine and cheese and interesting people.

It only $20 and your donation will support our work providing new items for survivors of domestic violence.

We look forward to seeing you there!~

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Domestic Violence Support - Handcrafted Clothing Donation to Center Against Domestic Violence

We are so excited about our upcoming donation drive - if you haven't seen the photos they are posted on Facebook . Its truly wonderful to see just what people come up with.

We have received some beautiful clothing to present to the women at Women's Survival Space - one of the three residences run by the Center Against Domestic Violence. The Center Against Domestic Violence is a key part of this story because were it not for their efforts, there would be NO residence to donate to!

According to their history:

The Center Against Domestic violence was founded in 1977 by a group of pioneering women who understood that domestic violence was not merely a family matter, but a crime and a violation of human rights. The new Center Against Domestic Violence opened the first publicly funded domestic violence shelter in New York State, Women's Survival Space. Through innovative programs offered with dedication and respect, the Center works to fulfill its vision of a world free of relationship abuse and violence. The people who come to the Center may be battered but they are not beaten. With the support and services it provides, the Center Against Domestic Violence bears witness every day to people transforming their lives..

So let me get this right, before 1977 (32 years ago) there were NO publicly funded domestic violence shelters? What did women do? Where did they and their families go when they had their lives threatened or when their children's lives were on the line? It is with this outstanding history that we made our decision to donate to one of the residences that they are responsible for.

The reality of domestic violence is that women do not leave. Even in 2009, there is no press or news coverage of October being Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Where are the 10k races or rallies. Supporting those women who have made the courageous first step towards a peaceful change is an action that says "You deserve to be commended - you have value - YOU are AMAZING!"

and most of all

You Have Made the RIGHT Choice!!


To help support Sue Rock Originals Everyone - Its Simple!

We are a 501(c)3 organization!
To send a Donation -
Make your donation out to Sue Rock Originals Everyone, Inc.
Send to: Sue Rock Originals Everyone
50 East 18th Street, Suite A8
Brooklyn, New York 11226

To Send Fabric, Yarn or Textile Tool Donations
Send to: Sue Rock Originals Design Studio
1069 Bergen Street
Brooklyn, NY 11226

To Volunteer:

Sue Rock Originals Everyone treasures the volunteers that knit, crochet, sew and create beautiful items for survivors of domestic violence. Twice a year (Mother's Day and October- Domestic Violence Awareness Month) we bring donations to a domestic violence residence in the New York area.

When considering what to make - ask yourself this key question:
"If I was to leave my life with what I am wearing right now -
What would I need?"

THOSE are the items that we would like you to make :))

Everything you can put your valuable papers in and everything that will stretch a wardrobe consisting of a turtleneck, jeans and a pair of flipflops.

That is what women need who run to leave a batterer AND still have to raise children AND go to open school night AND go to work etc.

Our organization can provide fabric and notions, yarn and tools
All we need is your creativity!
Contact Sue Rock at (we accommodate those groups who are outside of the New York area)

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Sue Rock Originals Everyone - October Activities Calendar

Saturday, October 17 - Sewing Classes. Sewing classes at Sue Rock Originals Studios will begin on October 17 for the first and third Saturdays of every month. 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm First class will be for a oversize green bag case - Donations accepted.

Saturday, October 24 - SAVE THE DATE Beautiful needlepoint Exhibition: The Needlearts Process: The Unfinished Mastery of Bernard Kleban. Three Jewels Yoga Studio $20 Admission Refreshments will be served. 4:00pm - 8:00pm Three Jewels Yoga Studio 61 Fourth Avenue (at 9th St.) Third Floor New York

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Events planning Volunteers needed - OCTOBER EVENTS

Non profit planning numerous events during the month of October needs volunteers in varying capacities for the creation of some fabulous events.

Volunteer opportunities include

Volunteer captain
Event Set up and Design
Creation of Party favors
Invitation designers (assist in email listings)
Meet and Greet Staff
Flyer Distribution

Timing is crucial - if you are interested - PLEASE contact us ASAP at!

Event planners who are interested in contributing their services are greatly appreciated :))

Thank you

Sue Rock
Executive Director
Sue Rock Originals Everyone, Inc.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Some people ask how we came to get all this.....STUFF

I am showing on of the Summer Youth Employment employees how to get to the post office for us, right. And a woman stops by the door and asks about our sign. Well we have listed all sorts of activities, crochet, knitting, sewing etc. And she says that she would like to learn sewing.....I begin to tell her about the classes....

 we are talking, I share our organization with her....and I let her know that Sue Rock Originals Everyone provides NEW handcrafted clothing to survivors of domestic violence who have left.......



THAT is what Sue Rock Originals Everyone is about!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Design Studio

Well we moved into a raw space in March and this is where we are today! - Amazing!!

Needlepoint Kits come to Materials for the Arts

As we posted last time, there were an amazing assortment of needlepoint kits which arrived at the design studios of Sue Rock Originals Everyone - well we shared the wealth.  

A week after their arrival, we contacted the staff at MFTA and let them know they could pick up some of the items received (hey you only have SO much room!!)

These photos are of the pickup!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Needlepoint Kits come to Sue Rock Originals Everyone!

There are times when you have to just marvel at what life gives you in all its bounty!!!

My most recent experience comes from a visit to the Materials for the Arts website. Materials for the Arts is an amazing non profit affiliated with New York's Department of Cultural Affairs. Singlehandedly, MFTA receives donations from individuals and companies throughout the Tri-state area of usable goods which are then distributed on regular "shopping" days to arts organizations in New York. Everything from pencils to padding can be found in their Long Island City warehouse. For items that can't be picked up, they have a Direct Donations area where interested arts organizations can contact the donees directly. It is here that I met Gen Wallace-Roe.

Gen Wallace-Roe is a dynamic woman and a professional organizer. Now hold up! Before you think that she just supports the lives of lazy upscale adults who just don't want to clean or who want all their DVDs alphebetised, think again! Ms. Wallace-Roe has developed her business for young adults who often have the daunting responsibility of disposing upward to 40 years of items from the homes of their parents. Parents who either have extended illness, have moved into senior living or have passed away are unable to navigate the weight of a lifetime of possessions. Ms. Wallace-Roe works with the family to navigate paperwork, valuables and those items which are of questionable value. She, working under her client June Kleban, posted needlepoint canvases and tools as being available.

We called her immediately!

After a few months of various phone calls and emails, we made arrangments to receive the items in the beginning of May.

On a grey day in May, a red 4x4 pulled up in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn with a UHaul trailing behind it - Filled to the brim with needlepoint.

Needlepoint of every shape and size, needlepoint kits, needlepoint frames, needlepoint books, needlepoint threads, needlepoint for days!

One person may think - What will they do with all of that stuff!! Well the seniors at the Fort Greene Senior Center were able to figure out what to do!  There has been a steady flow of elders stopping by to lend a helping hand - sorting, organizing and even purchasing needlepoint kits.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So what can I do to help?

The hardest thing when you have Santa Clause DNA is to let people know what YOU need. Hmmmm, cloth and fabric is donated, volunteers come, we have a location - just what DO we need?

Sue Rock Originals Everyone has since its inception been an exercise in allowing the universe to provide support for the least of us in times of need. We have provided over 2,500 items in the past four years to women who have chosen to leave the cycle of violence.

From ceramics studios we have received beautiful hand crafted items that were invaluable replacements to countless personal items left behind. From interior design firms we have received gorgeous sheers and brocades with which to replace drapes and curtains, or create bedding and bathroom decor. From peoples homes we have received the beautiful fabric and notions from loved ones who did not know where to turn to donate their elders precious collections. Each request to yarn companies was answered with box upon box of sensational wool blends.

With the expansion of our mission to include training - we have been provided a permanent location and a wonderful instructor of sewing with over 15 years of professional experience.

So what do we need?

Your supportive donations will help to ensure that our work will continue for years to come.

We are in the unique position of having an architect (Baer Architecture Group who has donated time to create the reconstruction designs for our location - designing retail, manufacturing and training space. Storage to the rafters for all of our donations and machinery.

As a 501(c) 3 each and every financial donation is tax-deductible. All in-kind donations of fabric, notions, machinery or yarn is also tax-deductible.

Please give and give generously to this exploration in self-sufficiency as we all reclaim the knowledge of our ancestors to live in a life filled with change.

Make our donations out to : Sue Rock Originals Everyone, Inc.
c/o Sue Rock, Executive Director
50 East 18th Street A8
Brooklyn, New York 11226

Or if you are in the New York area and would like to lend a hand:

Sue Rock Originals Design Studios
1069 Bergen Street between Nostrand and Rogers Avenues
Brooklyn, New York
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

We use volunteers of all kinds to assist in filing, sorting of fabrics, patterns and yarns, general housekeeping, general gardening and community outreach.

Monday, May 18, 2009 you must really have to CLEAN that fabric you get, huh?

 When developing any type of business - it helps to listen.

Much is being done in fashion with reconstructed garments and recycled fabrics but not much said about reclaiming  fabrics from the garment and interior design industries. When we think of the fashion industry, we generally think "make the clothes, buy them when they don’t fit toss them".

I wanted to share some of what we have learned about the fashion industry, how it works and how we are able to make the beautiful things that we do.
Lets start at the beginning…….

A men's shirt is going to be designed by a company:

Fashion companies are made up of teams of designers and design assistants who have the important task of deciding what they are going to create for the upcoming year. They come together and look over colors and patterns and will come to a basic decision about a color group. Once decided, a garment will need to be created before the item is manufactured. The company will have a fabric manufacturer create EVERY COMBINATION of the pattern decided upon (from blue on blue to white on white) so that the design team has an accurate representation of the garment they are making. Even if the color is solid – every variation is created for review and critique before the item hits the stores.

Then sample garments are made from these freshly manufactured fabrics and a decision is made for color, fabric weight and pattern.

What is left over is this:

What Sue Rock Originals does is RECLAIMS the fabric before it ever gets into the dump. We receive regular phone calls from individuals and businesses for fabric pickups. It is a way for the organization to simply and effectively give back within their time frame and it saves them money for the dumpster fees.  

And then we create THIS:

and That is How it is Done!

Boxes and Bolts of Fabric are never used due to time constraints, color variations or just changes in the fashion trend - and so SRO gets the opportunity to create beautiful clothing from reclaimed fabric - 

Come on By and see for yourself!