Monday, October 26, 2009

Domestic Violence Non Profit features Needlepoint Show in New York

On Saturday, October 24, we held our first Needlepoint Show, featuring the unfinished works of donor Bernard Kleban. Bernard Kleban was an active dynamic man who pursued needlepoint during his retirement. He and his wife June owned a needlepoint store in Arizona during the 1980's and his love of this needleart was allowed to flourish.

We received these canvases from June through personal organizer Gen Wallace Roe, who met us through Materials for the Arts. The relationship was established earlier this year and has grown into something wonderful.

When Gen brought up the unfinished canvases in September, they were so profound and detailed in their creativity, they begged for exposure to a greater audience. A simple comment "This needs to become an Art Show" became reality when we met Allison Sciplin, writer for the blog Grace, Love and Politics and volunteer grantwriter for our organization. Allison responded to our posting on the Idealist website and when enthusiastically showing her the canvases, she generously donate the yoga studio she works at - Three Jewels Yoga Studio.
Three Jewels Yoga Studio is a beautiful space. Three Jewels functions as a meditation, Heart Yoga, Dharma and Outreach Center for the community. They not only hold Yoga classes but features free meditation, various events from other progressive organizations, guided meditations by Llamas throughout the NY area. With volunteers and friends, we put up the canvases and prepared for a beautiful art show.

We welcomed Deirdre Biallo-Padin and her husband who attended the show. Deirdre Biallo-Padin is the Chief of Domestic Violence for the Brooklyn District Attorney's Office. We have developed a wonderful relationship with her and it has been 3 years of receiving donations from the Family Justice Center.

The surprise for the evening was meeting the grandson of Bernard Kleban. Harry is currently attending New York University and stopped by to see the beautiful exhibit. "I didn't know there was so much work!"

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