Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Volunteers from Heaven’s Hands Community Services, Inc

Sue Rock Originals Everyone, Inc. is so proud to work with a diverse group of people. It became a challenge to handle all of the responsiblities of this developing non-profit. One of the challenges was handling all of the donations.

We started out with receiving donations at our home. That would have been fine, but unfortunately we were still living there!! After navigating for the 15th time through the narrow alleyways that were our living room, bedroom and kitchen, we finally invested in a storage unit. 5x5 without lighting, we were relieved.......for a WEEK! Immediately another call came for a fabric pick up - this time 12 bags. That went into the storage space.

Almost immediately the pace became unrelenting. From having participated in this charity work for three years, we had developed wonderful relationships with men and women throughout NY who called us frequently to pick up items - books, ceramics and always fabric and yarns. For a year straight we picked up items every few weeks, sometimes once a week

When the opportunity came this year to dedicate my time to the non-profit, we had a 10x10 space crammed to the brim to TRY to organize.

This is where Heaven's Hands comes in!

Heaven’s Hands Community Services, Inc. (HHCSNI) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that is committed to providing services and supports that assist individuals diagnosed with mental retardation and/or developmental disabilities, living in New York City, in achieving the highest level of independence, inclusion, individuality and productivity possible. As part of their mission HHCSI exists to provide habilitative and support services to individuals, families and communities in need.

Arlene Rado of HHCSNYI found our volunteer opportunity on At that time we were looking for fashion students and lovers of fabric to assist us in the sorting and organizing of our stock. One of the students at HHCSNY, Jade, had been accepted to a special federal program which focuses on one on one guidance with a focus on the interests of the student. After a few weeks of getting things together, Jade and her counselor April came to assist us. Jade is an Autistic young woman with a love of drawing and art. April works directly with her and it has been going great.

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