As we come to the end of our first year at the studio - there are SO many people to thank. You see this whole thing is an experiment in "YES WE CAN". Is it possible to share the creative process with women in crisis and have it come together with all people?
And what we have found is YES, it is possible! Enjoy these photos of the men and women who have contributed so very much to make everything at Sue Rock Originals Everyone happen. People from all walks of life who have come at different phases to lend a helping hand and encourage us to keep doing what we are doing :))
Students from High Schools in New York City, volunteering during the summer!
Our co-director& fraternity brother Marcus - this summer his contributions were invaluable!
Bill and Russell made the front window happen, removing so much wood we could have made a tree house in the back on one of our maples!!
One of the most dynamic contacts this year, Professional Organizer Gen Wallace Roe and her daughter, bringing more donations to Sue Rock Originals Everyone!
Here we have Yuliya Khripukova from AHRC and two administrators. These women, working with the developmentally disabled, crocheted and sewed donations for Sue Rock Originals Everyone - AMAZING!! Here they are picking up the materials they will need for their contribution :))
Here are my daughter's crew - these young women (and my son) are some amazing painters and showed their skills working on one of the rooms we needed repainted - Go Girls!!
Diana Lau, Philanthropy Chair, Theta Phi Alpha Pratt University who is currently knitting items for us for the Spring.
Artist Kenya Robinson and fiber artist Katya Usivitsky who will be developing an art show with the needlework contributions of the summer
And the wonderful Allison Sciplin, Ohio native, Chicago transplant living in New York who has stepped in to make amazing things happen for us this year. She has lovingly committed to becoming out grantwriter and developing our strategic plans for the future.
The year began with the passing of my father. In the process of developing this center, the love support and creative interactions are something he would been encouraged and amazed by. We look forward to sewing classes for the winter, crochet and knitting classes for the community and continued connection with domestic violence survivors.
And of course -
We look forward to meeting you!
Come on by our Design Studio
Sue Rock Originals Everyone, Inc.
1069 Bergen Street
between Nostrand and Rogers Avenues
Brooklyn, New York
Tuesday through Saturday
11:00 am - 6:00pm!
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