Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Host Verba Lynette will present Sue Rock of sue rock originals
on her weekly Tuesday evening talk show TONITE at 9:00 pmON BCAT.
On the show, Verba will discuss with Sue how she got started, how to develop connections to African craft cooperatives and Sue's unique use of fashion in serving the community with her knitting charity which uses volunteers to design and create clothing for survivors of domestic violence. A variety of knit and crocheted items will be featured as you get an in depth look at this 21st century entrepreneur.
You can watch BCAT on Cablevision Channel 68 or Time Warner Channel 35
Or if you are outside the Brooklyn, New York area
Log on here - http://www.brooklynx.org/bcat/ and click where it says
WATCH BCAT LIVE to broadcast on your computer.

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