There were
books, big books, small books, big hardcover books, small science fiction books, big splashy poetry BOOOOOOOOOOKS - from one side of my one bedroom apartment to another.....Then there were bags, bags full of clothes and bags full of hats and bags full of sweaters and bags full of ..........well ...................BAGS !!!-
but today at 3:45pm two mainenance workers from Safe Horizon's living center came and pick up everything - the van kept filling and filling and filling - until finally they asked - "is that all? - PHEW!"
at final count?
innumerable children's hats
a car coat and hat
a dress jacket
two poncho and hat sets
seven ponchos
seven adult hats
five scarves
one fuscia head wrap
and three gorgeous shrugs
add to that a box of audio books and exercise videos
a box of R&B CDs
a bag of clothing (children and adults)
and over 500 children's books from 2nd - 8th grade
and you have a brilliant tribute to Safe Horizon and
families who are making a commitment
to creating a way
out of no way........
.........with a little help :))
Thank you All!
I want to take this time to thank Sheila from
Sheila Crochetz,
Tamiko Beyer, Amy Griffin Otterberg, Jennifer May and the wonderful crew up in New Paltz (SUNY ROCKS!) and Lisa Mullings.
Of course I wouldn't have any peace if not for the love and patience of my husband Ifasina Akinsegun who is just as intense about creativity as I am and allows me to fill the apartment with infinite amounts of "potential" goodies with relatively little complaint ("just as long as I can get two yards of this - I mean you
know how I feel about gabardine.......)
Love you all - more tomorrow when I go to the space and do the distribution