.....and SO.....Simplicity says that they "like" what I am doing and that they will be sending some patterns.....sure......I imagine a manila envelope with maybe 6 patterns
I didn't expect the wealth of what was to come.....

I did not expect a BOX!
Simplicity Pattern company - to the benefit of their administration sent 9 DIFFERENT STYLES of patterns - with a minimum of SIX of each style!

Speechless - I began to go through the selections. All children's clothing, the items included knits, wovens, pinafores, pajamas, items for girls and boys and wonderfully, thankfully and perceptively, all for warm climate locations!
As you can see from these images
there are enough pieces to work with for classes of sewers. Each of the patterns is complete, as they indicated - simply last years items.

In turn I have contacted my daughter's Alma Mater - Fashion Industries High School here in New York.
Through their mentoring program I hope to be able to work with young people studying tailoring and sewing and encourage them to make a difference in children's lives in the South.

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