Fulton Street Location... We support independence you design and layout you own space as well as take responsibility for your sales!
A Pop Up Store for those who create great products services and Merchandise! we are looking for fashion Home Gifts Bath Body etc For details and to To sell fill out form below To Shop it or attend events add your email to The list atwww.BrooklynfashionFilmFestival.com Spaces are being put together to Fill a Much needed Gap! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dFpMNU9LUFhTYVhLOElZTTZGMlUxbHc6MQ or visit call vm 646 736 2984 Individual Spaces -Full Month |Weekends (Friday?Saturday)| One day and Consignment Limited) Curated! Shares;- Full Month | Weekends |
This Holiday Reach over 70000 Stylish Beautiful, Health Conscious Intelligent, Savvy Consumers
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