Thursday, December 06, 2012

Melissa Lockwood of iqtest-nyc will be at WILLIAMSBURG FASHION WEEKEND HOLYDAY MARKET


Melissa has Invted us to the exciting and joyous WFW 2-Day Holiday Market! Come and celebrate the holidays while shopping conscientiously this season. The market will bring together designers whose work explores the full spectrum of body adornment from ready-to-wear to wearable art. Find a range of items that are one-of-kind or some-of-kind, locally made, and make the perfect gifts!

Saturday 15th & December 16th At
343 Grand Street, Brooklyn, New York 11211
Featured designers include:

Natalya Egorova
Cristina Rose Rabusin
Malca BK
La China Loca
Brittany Erb
Himane Sustainable Designs
Nathalie Kraynina Collection
Uta Brauser www.fishwithbraids.blogspo
Laura Brook Texter
Bweela Steptoe
Juanita Cardenas
Andrea Diodati
Apartment 4B
Sara Lies Handmade/True Stories Vintage

Event will be catered by HOUSE GUEST
Food and drink service will begin at 2pm to 7pm Saturday and Sunday
Spinach & artichoke mini sandwich
Steam bun sliders
Avocado fries

T- shot: Tea bags marinated in vodka, served with lemon ice.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

BKFashionweek Holiday Pops a Month Long Venue + Help for Holiday marketing and sales for Creative designers and products

It's Bean A while but We've been working on solutions... Please feel free to share this 


Bkfashionwek Seeks Designers artist and crafters for holiday marketBkFashionWeek Pops and BKFashionWeekend Pops will be the definitive space to shop Local Fashion, Design and Accessories this Holiday! November 30- January 1st! After work shopping & Extended Hours (12 Midnight), Programs and Events

Fulton Street Location...

We support independence you design and layout you own space as well as take responsibility for your sales!  

A Pop Up Store for those who create great products services and Merchandise!  we are looking for fashion Home Gifts Bath Body etc

For details and to To sell fill out form below

To Shop it or attend events add your email to The list

Spaces are being put together to Fill a Much needed Gap!

or visit

call vm 646 736 2984

Individual Spaces -Full Month |Weekends (Friday?Saturday)| One day and Consignment Limited) Curated!  Shares;- Full Month | Weekends

We also have Banner ads and marketing  opportunities with america's next Natural Model... You deal directly  ANNM

This Holiday Reach over 70000 Stylish Beautiful, Health Conscious  Intelligent, Savvy Consumers

  In January 2013 America's Next Natural Model will begin its 5th season. They  are now accepting Early Ads to be up  for the holiday season on their site

 We've extending the dates for the specials  to  ensure success for this small business! Direct purchase ads now...   Holiday Marketing 2012-Buy Now!

High end, small Lot, also available for Trims, embellishment  and jewelry! We've identified about 50  women via a local project who need work! 
Please add your name to this list for details! email 

A Fashion Tech Incubator in  BROOKLYN

Actually a Creative Tech Incubator.... we've tested most of teh technology (before many) We've been offered the space we have the plan  and the technologist  We may also offer live streaming from theHoliday pops!

More to come 2013
Workshops, Conferences Seminars Trade Show & Black Fashion Designers Review
 Black Redress  Btw Keep Thedates June 12-19th Open to  Celebrate 150 years of Emancipation in The US BROOKLYNFASHIONWEEK.COM | BROOKLYNFASHIONFILMFESTIVAL.COM | BROOKLYNFASHIONAWARDS.COM 

Please share
collaborator and sponsors welcome

Remember  be safe during the storm

Friday, October 26, 2012

Roger Padilha and Mauricio Padilha, authors of Antonio Lopez: Fashion, Art, Sex, and Disco, and Pat Cleveland on October 27, 2012 4:00PM

ANTONIOBookTalkFlyer.pdf Download this file

we recieved notice that  Pat cleveland will be on hand... 

The Art of Fashion Illustration: Antonio Lopez
Saturday, October 27, 2012 4:00PM
Central Library, Dweck Center

Antonio Lopez dominated fashion illustration in the 1970s and 80s with his energetic, singular style. Roger Padilha and Mauricio Padilha, authors of Antonio Lopez: Fashion, Art, Sex, and Disco, and Corey Tippen, Antonio’s model and lead hair and makeup person, discuss his life and work. This event is held in conjunction with the exhibition Fashion Illustration: A Contemporary Look.

Fashion Illustration: A Contemporary Look events are made possible by Utrecht Art Supplies; A.I. Friedman; and Prismacolor. Antonio Lopez's illustrations and photos appear courtesy of the estate of Antonio Lopez and Juan Ramos; and Fashion Institute of Technology-SUNY, Gladys Marcus Library Department of Special Collections and FIT Archives. The Fashion Career Day Fair is sponsored in part by the Brooklyn Book Festival.

This event is being held in conjunction with the Fashion Illustration Exhibition at the Brooklyn Public Library.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Americas Next Natural Model Seeks Sponsors! - CAD Call

Reach Over 100,000 in a special collaborative package from two web sites & In support of Americas Next natural Model! Act now

DeMarketplace CADCall Pre-Holiday Offer ($500 value)
Collaborative Audience Development CALL
We’ll also share your feature across the combined social network as we introduce you to our new community… Websites, Newsletter, Social media 20,000 strong and growing including the community and our social networks)
* Your item will not be exclusively featured. There will be more sponsors featuring their (other kind of) items in the newsletter!

Designers, Stylist, Hair Bath and Body Products It's time to supercharge your holiday marketing. Get a Banner ad on One of the Leading Natural Hair Sites! Last years America's Next Natural Model Competition saw over 100,000 Monthly visitors to competition pages! Act NOW for this great opportunity to reach over 70000 beautiful, sexy, health wise, stylish Intelligent, savvy Connected site visitors!

CADCALL- America's Next Natural Model Launches a Collective Holiday Marketing Strategies Holiday Initiative! - CAD Call

Designers, Stylist, Hair Bath and Body Products It's time to supercharge your holiday marketing. Get a Banner ad on One of the Leading Natural Hair Sites! Last years America's Next Natural Model Competition saw over 100,000 Monthly visitors to competition pages! Act NOW for this great opportunity to reach over 70000 beautiful, sexy, health wise, stylish Intelligent, savvy Connected site visitors for as little as $75 per month!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Calling all Independent Fashion designers, Hair and Beauty Experts , Free just submit by August 31st @FNO

I want to  list all  Independent  
 Fashion  designers,   Hair and beauty  experts (home/interior designers also)  from the Diaspora. Yes it's FREE Just Submit By August 31st .. 
 Once I verifu info  I'l share it with  my list to celebrate FNO (to get on that list

Please submit 


    • Names
    • Types of clothing
    • Brand
    • Website
    • email
    • Google Plus
    • Phone
    • Country of Operation
    • Country of Origin
    • image/s URl

  • I'm also  looking for Blacks building Startups in the Fashion Tech Space for an article on "Black Dress-50 years of Black is Beautiful!- Where are we headed!"
  • Submit  at


50 designers of note  designers claim  your lines... submit your updated info in comment !

Calling all Independent Fashion designers, Hair and Beauty Experts

I want to  List all  Independent   Fashion  designers,   Hair and beauty  experts (home/interior designers also)  from the Diaspora.  Once we verifu info  I'l share it with  my list! (to get on that list


Please submit 


    • Names
    • Types of clothing
    • Brand
    • Website
    • email
    • Google Plus
    • Phone
    • Country of Operation
    • Country of Origin
    • image/s URl

  • I'm also  looking for Blacks building Startups in the Fashion Tech Space for an article on "Black Dress-50 years of Black is Beautiful!- Where are we headed!"
  • Submit  at


50 designers of note  designers claim  your lines... submit your updated info in comment !



I want to List all Independent Fashion designers, Hair and Beauty experts and I'll share it in NY

I want to  List all  Independent   Fashion  designers,   Hair and beauty  experts (home/interior designers also)  from the Diaspora.  Once we verifu info  I'l share it with  my list! (to get on that list

Please submit 

    • Names
    • Types of clothing
    • Brand
    • Website
    • email
    • Google Plus
    • Phone
    • Country of Operation
    • Country of Origin
    • image/s URl

  • I'm also  looking for Blacks building Startups in the Fashion Tech Space for an article on "Black Dress-50 years of Black is Beautiful!- Where are we headed!"
  • Submit  at

50 designers of note  designers claim  your lines... submit your updated info in comment !


Thursday, August 09, 2012

The children of Creative will Create ... These are teh Future of Brooklyn Fashion!

Meet  "AlaKala"  two brooklyn kids decided to play  at being  designers, They made their outfis, did a photo shoot and sent  to Press... In This case Auntie "Bonnie"! Exactly  what  many of the adult  counterparts are doing! but look  closely.. they  took their time to execut and make sure teh Garments fit! Yes it is PAPER... 

More accurately  a Paper  "line" by my  nieces, They  designed them, cut and shaped and put together  using mom's tape and every  magazine and coupon  in their house! LOL Look  at teh Pose and teh shots... You know wht their favorite show is  "America's next top model!

This weekend I  was really Tired But these images from their mom  remimded me why  i  did this!  and lead me use the image  for an article  I'm  Writing.. ... "Is Today's Independent  designer, Playing  Dress Up or are they building a fashion  industry! 

to get teh article subscribe to....  Http://



Friday, August 03, 2012

Will we get solutions that help locals sell @Dwolla & @Etsy join up for #NYC’s first @EcommerceHackNY #EHD | @VentureBeat


I'm getting ready for Ecommerce Hack Day,, which means I won't sleep tonight (due to teh Phagwa party which ends at 4am) as well as Tomorrow night ( it's a sleep over hack) i'll be honest i was seriously considering NOt attending! The reason... hacks are fun way to flex your tech muscles but I had been commenting on how many great ideas, that could help society were left abandoned... such a shame! Then I came across this venture beat article and Alex's comment ... see my response below.

But I really eliev that a great team shoul include back end developers, Front end developers, Individuals who know the niche , a professional Business consultant/ and or a brand consultant!

And along the way everyone should be asking "where's the money at?" , since the revenue model will ultimately shape the business model and the tech development!

I'm going tomorrow but PRAYING this Hack is about developing solutions! The reason Most hacks do NOT go further is that while many hackers may "know the difference between binary, base64, and JSON, and can make AJAX calls" they do not know the sector they are hacking in this case "sales", and bringing Sales online is about more than product organization and a cash register! Many never have had any experience selling! But Hackers are "Artist" of code and like most artist are Not really interested in the day to day running of a business so their winning hacks are left abandoned... check the hacks from MusicHack Day, Photohack day and videohack days in NY. Secondly even though the ideas may be great and the hackers may mean well on the day of the hack, however there is no post event structure to see potentially great hacks develop... We won Best Use of An ApI at Fashion Hack Day NY with an idea I know stylist can use, Good luck trying getting the members of an adhock team to communicate after a week! I'm attending tomorrows hack... I know selling and sales in my niche: businesses need ecommerce solutions that work, I've tested several ideas around ecommerce in the field yet... hacks are about coding and successful business needs more than good code!

Designer artist Melissa Lockwood @iqtestnyc invites you to #BEYOU the encouragement of individuality, self-expression and freedom.

We're looking for outgoing, charismatic people who are confident to express themselves in front of camera. You will appear in an art project/music video. The only requirement are that you are over 18 years old and you are prepared to #BEYOU

image from a past  show  courtesy artist/designers website  

This is not a job, it is an unpaid but unique opportunity to be part of a really exciting art exhibit in NYC and be seen worldwide online.
The fun is underpinned by an important theme - the encouragement of individuality, self-expression and freedom. We are looking for diverse backgrounds so you are welcome whatever your style. You will however be credited if you are used in the final work.

By embracing the concept #BEYOU you will be encouraging others to be themselves - especially in an adverse circumstances or where people lack the self esteem to do so. So it's fun AND functional!

Please send a recent pic of you being you. Also send a link to a video if you have one - 1 minute maximum and only send links NOT attachments.

You must be over 18 years old.
ID will be required.
Be prepared to be on film, have your picture taken and tell us something about yourself.
At the audition you will be asked to make a one minute performance that shows us YOU.

Please Reply by the end of Thursday Aug 2
Casting will be held on Fri Aug 3 10am
Shoot will be held on Sat Aug 4 12pm
Address: Grace Space 840 Broadway 2nd floor Brooklyn, NY 11206
Subway: Located between Flushing and Myrtle Ave/Broadway on the JMZ

Sign Up before august 5 for Complimentary admission to Business Leadership Group Power Session #FCCINYC


 Networking  And conferences should be part of your busienss strategy!  See article and details at  courtesy our sponsor @Streets411

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Making Tech sexy- Design is what I do- even if it means designing change!



Tech BKstyle! I have to make tech  SEXY! ... I'm  sitting trying to figure out how to  communicate the design  process and what  makes for a successful product, to  someone who insist they have a "winning" idea. I am reminded of my  fashion design process!  sign up Http:// 

I'm charged with  bringing tech to  my community... not the Facebook stuff but encouraging local businesses to embrace technology as a solution "addressing need or even more demanding to "disrupt their industry , niche sector!

Tibia Tech Inc is a NY based tech startup that  is in the business of change management addressing the glaring problem of lack of minority-owned businesses in today’s tech sector and the adoption of technology in today’s business culture, We provide a support system that is unprecedented ... and needed  

    • Space -


o Technology

o Funding & Financing-

o Education- Technical Training Programs & Development of Skill Sets

o Business & Resource Development & Procurement-

o Media, Marketing & Communication and distribution experts



More importantly we  encourage the establishment of startups... "change the ratio" the urban version! Already  we're facing "I have a brilliant idea I just need a developer!  The ideas are great and more importantly truly needed!

Yet as each plan is presented... I see blatant holes in the business model, strategy design, user interface ... mainly  from lack of knowledge!

My partner said it simply, "you have to make it sexy  for our people!" 


They want the "Matrix" meets the "Minority Report"... and he is not off track. Few want to do the research, investigate, challenge and INNOVATE! 

So as I'm  sitting trying to figure out how to  communicate the design  process and what  makes for a successful product  to  someone who insist they have a "winning" idea. I am reminded of my  fashion design process! I Have to make tech  SEXY!

I  use several design techniques but eventually  before they  hit the shelf they must be redesigned from an  art perspective to a consumer product focus! I usually use  the  educate, Investigate, brainstorm  leave to simmer then design from "inspiration". The fact  is in that  process "inspiration is a carefully  induced process! 

In the image above I  sat  through several  free-form jazz jams in the late 1999 at  Palm Court  and as my  friend improvised I  let my  hands "move. In 2002 I  took those sketches and executed these garments that were shown at Harlem Fashion Week in  2003! 



 646 829 3146 



We're presently Working onm the Tibiae tech  concept and language.. The  Space will launch in September and we are currently  identifying and working  with our first  stratups!

Tibiae Tech Solutions provides technology, funding , mentorship, incubation, marketing and distribution to enable experts in niche local micro sectors who answer the question  “what would you do with technology if you could?” to access and develop technologies, focused on scalable next generation concepts!

Tibiae Tech brings the Silicon Culture into local neighborhoods  as a start-up designed specifically to facilitate the adoption, adaptation and creation of new and emerging  technology by and for local entrepreneurs!  Tibiae Tech seeks to help local experts make culturally relevant and successful transitions to the inevitable tech powered "solution" within their niche and thus proactively create effective solutions. Tibiae tech’s mission is focused on shifting  the economic decline  in urban  communities into thriving businesses that can compete in today’s emerging high-growth marketplace. As opposed to the usual one-level approach, Tibiae Tech will employ a multi- pronged strategy utilizing the comprehensive resources to develop, nurture and support a successful small business.

Tibia Tech is in the business of change management addressing the glaring problem of lack of minority-owned businesses in today’s tech sector and the adoption of technology in today’s business culture. By proving space, pools of resources and making them accessible, we can jump-start these businesses. We first conceptualized an “irrigation” system that would funnel resources to urban tech  start-ups, as well as an  incubator with relevant  mentorship, training and support. Founders also noted that we we would not only need an  incubator and an accelerator but we would have to develop a  “hatchery” and started brainstorming the challenge of fostering new ideas.  The fact is fact we need to  create a pollination and fertilization  process before we can incubate... Distribution needed to be supported by offline and online venues connected and integrated seamlessly across digital platforms and so the Tuberiam was designed.  We opted for the co-working model.

in order to fulfill the small business needs, Tibiae Tech has to create the resources/ thus experts in each discipline are coming together to provide their expertise and creating  a culturally  sensitive  programing and resource solutions. That introduces new concepts in Business as well as new and elerging technologies ad encorages exploration ad testing  theories through to concept and product development! the challeng e of support  staff ad their technical training will also be addressed!  

To facilitate this a comprehensive funding and financing  protocol  will be put in place! Tibia Tech believes that a  comprehensive approach will create the  necessary traction  needed to  push ahead.  

Tibia Tech  July  1st  we begin  p[rparing  the core members with a soft  launch with a target  date of September for a permanent location


Calling all Bridal Businesses- Bridal Roundtable Meeting - Brooklyn

Black_dress_2012_looks_at_therez_fleetwoodThe New York Wedding Circle, a bridal roundtable group of the LDCENY, is hosting its summer networking event. This month's topic: "Successful Wedding Planning Ventures" with guest speaker Jessica Wilkins-Anavitate, founder of The New York Wedding Company.


Date:              Thursday, July 26, 2012

Time:             6pm to 8pm

Location:      LDCENY

Address:       80 Jamaica Ave, 3rd Floor

                         Brooklyn, NY 11210


Come meet other business owners in the bridal industry and share business opportunities.  Bring business cards to promote your business. Expand your circle of business peers. Develop new contacts and be a part of this electrifying group.


To attend this event, please RSVP with Santos Morales at (718) 385-6700 ext. 20 


image reen shot of designer

Friday, July 06, 2012

How to check your computer for the Malware threat that could strike Monday

Finally  via Businessweek comes the link to check if  your computer is vulnerable! The image  from the scan of my  laptop  at

I have not seen an news on teh regular tech sites, Their hardware tecnds to be new so the ma not be affected, but I did check the  FBI link! 

FBI has backgrouThe nonprofit DNSChanger Working Group has information at and a free scanning tool at

Comcast customers can go to to obtain software that will remove the malware.

McAfee, which sells security software, is offering a free scanning service at on the case and tips on checking your computer at

see also

Removal;- This is a case I'll leave you  up to  your own  or check  a professional! 

Monday, July 02, 2012

We are not simply "changing The Ratio", we are in the business of Change Management"... and the how is as important as the goal!

It takes man
components to create a successful  startup or business!

Yesterday Tibiae Tech prep sent out the first in a series of newsletters to introduce all potential constituents to the tech sector. The goal is to get everyone a general understanding of what is entailed, start the conversation and kick-start potential businesses on the road to designing their concepts!

We understand we are not simply "changing the ratio," we are in the business of "Change Management," and the how is as important as the goal!  We plan to start hosting networking and information sessions in preparation for our September launch.  Sign up for the newsletter, the launch or to be added to the free series.

You will get access to all newsletters!


[Launch Your Startup In 2012]
A little over a year after closing a failing business, generates $300,000 per day and has raised $51.3 million! 
Can you change your story with tech?


About Launch Your Startup In 2012 by Tibiae Tech is a self-guided digital tour based on the tech startup scene!  This program is designed to get experts in creative and various local business sectors to jumpstart their ideas and create businesses! Exposure can be the first step in change


About the Newsletter series 


This newsletter is free to the first 100 who sign up at http://tuberiam.Tibiaetech,com-

Otherwise the $10.00 helps support the Tibiae Tech Initiative.  Please note we run a lean startup process. This series will become the basis of Tibiae Tech - Intro to Silicon program. 

It will be reshaped and edited!

All comments are important! The newsletters are self -guiding but we will also have discussion groups online, as well as in-person workshops and one-on-one sessions!

  • ·         Lesson 1a Let us get started - basic tools, tips & introduction to NY Tech Startup Scene
  • ·         Lesson 1b - Did you click on the links? All of them? Learning to SEE and read between the lines - how to look at a website
  • ·         Silicon Culture and Strategy- the outsider’s perspective!  It’s not what you do but how, that counts - understanding the lay of the land!
  • ·         Lesson 2a - Understand that you are prepping for 2015 or even 2012 - An Intro to Trending;- Trend Spotting, Analysis and  Trend predictions  for “mom and pop”
  • ·         Lesson 2b - you snooze you lose- checking your emails and messages is your responsibility!
  • ·         Lesson 3a - What the HACK - There is an API for that?  How “they” get digital to do what they need.
  • ·         Lesson 3b - Then again you could learn to code….
  • ·         Intro to Tibiae Tech - Designing Change; Changing the Ratio & Independence (July 4th)
  • ·         Lesson 4a - By the way, what do you and all (yes, you have multiple) your constituents need?
  • ·         Lesson 4b - communicating to techies - Front end and back end design and development
  • ·         Lesson 5a - Why should you be given- funding - are you (or your ideas) invest-able?
  • ·         Lesson 5b - prepping for pitching 

·          Lesson 6a - Questions answered - some terms to take note of the Tuberiam & Tibiae    Tech solution!   

  • ·         Lesson 7a - how to thrive as a –normal- in the startup ecosystem!
  • ·         Lesson 7b- Finding CoFounders , Sponsors, Partners

We reserve the right to edit as needs demand! At the end of these sessions you will have the tools to research your idea and be invited to develop them in our specially designed, accelerated incubator program!


Tibiae Tech  Solutions provides technology, funding , mentorship, incubation, marketing and distribution to enable experts in niche local micro sectors who answer the question  “what would you do with technology if you could?” to access and develop technologies, focused on scalable next generation concepts! Tibiae Tech brings the Silicon Culture into local neighborhoods  as a start-up designed specifically to facilitate the adoption, adaptation and creation of new and emerging  technology by and for local entrepreneurs!  Tibiae Tech seeks to help local experts make culturally relevant and successful transitions to the inevitable tech powered "solution" within their niche and thus proactively create effective solutions. Tibiae tech’s mission is focused on shifting  the economic decline  in urban  communities into thriving businesses that can compete in today’s emerging high-growth marketplace. As opposed to the usual one-level approach, Tibiae Tech will employ a multi- pronged strategy utilizing the comprehensive resources to develop, nurture and support a successful small business.

 646 829 3146 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

We're offering Free Intro Sessions that Explore the Difference Between a Startup and a Small Business - Badasse Talks

Download full size (430 KB)
We're offering a free workshop. Http:// and enter our email! CHANGE... is not eas in  certain  communities... take the Launch page... many will not  enter their email... they have not seen it... It's so bad some people still use AOl as their bsuienss email... the difference between  a small busienss and a startup is the willingness to explore teh new and unchartered...

Is there a Start up in You- Free Intro Sessions Explores Difference Between a Startup and a Small Business

The NY Tech Meetup is a non-profit organization with over 24,000 members supporting the New York technology communit in a population estimated (2011)at 8,244,910 that is a mere dent. Yet that sector is thriving, of the more than 350 stratups on the Tech Made in NY about 85-90% is hiring!

There is a lot of talk about “Changing the Ratio ” and increasing the numbers of Minorities and women in the Startup scene!

But what exactly is the “Difference Between a Startup and A Small Business”… you can“Google it” and find a Myriad of thoughts… 
one post simplifies it!

Difference Between A Startup And A Small Business

“both are exactly the same, except how the owner thinks about their business. A small business owner is focused on doing it tough for a number of years and hoping they can make it as a business. However a startup thinks big, they dream of their application/product or service being used by millions around the world and funded by VC’s and that is how they direct their business. Small business owners think about doing things slowly and building their business over time.

For products to be “used by millions around the world’- technology makes that possible in so many ways…

so where is technology presently at or headed 
…. and what makes a startup “attractive and likely to be funded by VC’s”

It takes 50-58 Hrs to plan a new business…

  • Startups do it in as little as 3 days
  • Small businesses ma take 6 months to a year!


Image… represents all that a business will need to undertake- You can choose to go it alone. but  each business still has to  handle: all aspects-  ma do not!  

  • Operational Strateg development service 
  • Product development- one on one consulting and management
  • Business development- business incubator
  • development of revenue models
  • Sourcing and procurement
  • Supply chain management
  • Business management and conservatorship
  • Statistical and Data Management! Capture & Resell Data!
  • Social Integration and Marketing!
  • Marketing and Distribution –  
  • Media/productDistribution Analysis
  • Branding
  • Legal
  • Accounting
  • Sales
  • Consumer support

Many  local businesses simply  do not

July 1st to 7th our Media Strategist Bonnie Sandy leads a select group on a self guided online series that will bring to light where current technology is at and how small businesses can leverage their experience, create startups that will not only “address needs in their niche but b adapting earl garner valuable market share!

Participant will need to set a side a minimum on 28 hrs ; July 1st to 7th 2012. This free version include with online support via web (Gmail account needed)

About Bonnie Sandy and Tibia Tech 

Bonnie Sandy is our media Strategist and also one of the  cofounders of Tibiae Tech; she  has for seven  years introducing  local busiensses to technolog! 

Tibiae Tech Solutions provides technology, funding , mentorship, incubation, marketing and distribution to enable experts in niche local micro sectors who answer the question “what would you do with technology if you could?” to access and develop technologies, focused on scalable next generation concepts!

Tibia Tech is in the business of change management addressing the glaring problem of lack of minority-owned businesses in today’s tech sector and the adoption of technology in today’s business culture. By proving space, pools of resources and making them accessible, we can jump-start these businesses.

Register for free intro session by July 3rd 2012 
Join Startup 2012 in September Group 
Contact Tibiae Tech 
Join Them on Facebook 
Follow them on twitter 
Read their Startupwatch… 
Support and tell a friend

change is tough but we need to start somewhere... sign up now

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Project Pop-Up NYC Competition offers a chance at FREE retail space for September 2012 in NYC

 Indies can  "Pop Up" just about anywhere! Too bad the criteria may  keep some of the most creative out of the running! We've hosted pop ups at the Brookln Museum, Several  Parks, The Federal Plaza, Yatchs, Hotels, Lobbies, gardens, Basements,  backyards and back of trucks! Pop- Up  is the realm of the  independent  and are about the "EXPERIENCE". see details below... note September is NYFW, NY Market Week, Fashion Night Out, and  a host of other events 

 Pop Up Stores are best when created from NEED  and at the core are , grassroots concepts.

So while I  love the city's 2020 initiative it seems designed to exclude the very  people it should be helping! $25000 Man indies with experience in Pop-up,  report  about  $16000 a year!

 Winning New York City-based Fashion Retailers and Technology Companies Will Participate in a Rent Free, One-of-a-Kind Month-Long Pop-up Store in September

Just yesterday as I rode thru  downtown Brooklyn - Fulton mall, I passed by the site  that  was AlBSquare Mall, I  fondly rermembered "Continuum"  a "pop Up store we did circa 1998/9

Pop up Stores are Grassroots... 

The inherent nature of a Pop- Up store... 

First it was unused or underutilized space- in this case an empty  space below the escalators in the lower level of the mall Second it is  quickly  put  together... we had 2 weeks to  pull together  the designers the concept etc.  Hence "Pop up" .There is a unique feel or concept... in this case we pull all the  abandoned racks in the mall wrapped them in fabric to create "trees" used baskets.and boxes and created a garde ; the product  is unique and not  available elsewhere or at an other time....  we dealt exclusively with independent  designers- we did a great job, and even  sold swimwear that holiday season! You need a unique feature... which  we accidentallyl came across and at the same time solved a major truancy  problem at the  mall!  ou needed marketing... we excelled at this!  All on a budget of zero.. necessity made for creativity! At the end of the month  we had exceeeded expectations and the  "space"  became "hot spot" ... management had so many  offers!  So while i'm excited at the city's competition I wish the creatives were able to  compete. NYC Fashion needs fresh blood and ideas ad creative independents need  help!