Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Volunteer Service Fair at Union Temple in Brooklyn, NY

The first weekend of February, Sue Rock Originals Everyone, Inc. was invited to participate in a Volunteer Service Fair held at the Union Temple on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn. As you can see from the pictures - it was GREAT !
This crafts table was set up by Materials for the Arts for the enjoyment of children (of all ages!)

We were set up next to Dress for Success and set up a table with info sheets and a display of just the type of thing Sue Rock Originals Everyone, Inc. makes with reclaimed fabrics. All of the fabric in our display would have been discarded by the fashion industry or individuals! AMAZING!

The event had over 100 nonprofits from all sectors and had over 500 attendees! Brooklyn for Barack were the hosts of this event and it was really successful~
We made some fantastic new contacts. People signed up to knit and crochet for us and in addition volunteer videographers and fashion industry experts were hot to hear what was next for SROE!

Participating in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

- there's just something about President Obama that......well, when he says kind of want to go "How High!" - That was the case when the Brooklyn for Barack crew asked SROE to participate in their participation in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Presidential Call to Service. Organizations all across the United States were requested to work with volunteers in a variety of ways helping to give back to their communities.
For over three years, SROE has received bolts of fabric from interior design companies, cases sample prints from fashion houses and bags of vintage textiles from beloved aunts and grandmothers. These items have grown to fill a 10 x 10 storage unit, which has been maintained out of pocket by its directors for two years running. We REALLY needed the help.
And Help Came.

20 volunteers came throughout the MLK Jr. Weekend to fold, carry, organize tie and re pack our storage area!