- amazing amazing amazing - this process has healed my hope for humanity. Well I just sent out a bunch of request letters to yarn stores for contributions and the first contributors have come through brilliantly!!
My first thank you goes to The Wool Gathering a wonderful store located on the upper east side in New York City. On receiving my letter, the owner called to say that this was the first time she had received a request letter she actually enjoyed responding to. Her box included not only skeins of yarn but both wooden and circular needles in abundance! Thank you Wool Gathering.
Next in our list of postive yarn companies is Brown Sheep Company, Inc. , that's right from NEBRASKA!! At 7:00 pm one evening, UPS brought to my home a box of yarn from Brown Sheep. Shall I say a HUGE box of yarn from Brown Sheep!! - their contribution invoice said 20 POUNDS! - Good Work for a good cause and thank you Brown Sheep Company. ( I am working on a circular poncho with your Roasted Coffee right now!) - oh did I mention that each and every ounce of their yarn is wool/mohair blend (YUM!)
Finally thank you's go out to Mountain Colors . A self-described "small business located in scenic Montana" their self-contained package was full to the brim with GORGEOUS hand dyed yarn.
Thanks to these wonderful businesses this work is effortless :))